Cupcake DecoratingThe Corn PalaceSammy Sosa16Feb
Oh God, my uncle. How am I ever gonna explain this?
Board MeetingBrad Pitt3Mar
I have traced the Rebel spies to her.
Movie MarathonWinchester Mystery HouseMarilyn Monroe18Mar
What’s the point of going out?
Farmer’s MarketBamboo FreshBrad Pitt21Mar
Who’s that then? Shh! Knights
Kitten Adoption DayWinchester Mystery HouseBarney Stinson27Mar
I’ve done everything the Bible says
Rock ConcertDoug Fir LoungeElvis Presley2Apr
Hey, Luke! May the Force be with you.
Weekend Long AdventureSammy Sosa14Apr
Dear Mr. President, There are too many states nowadays.
Dinner PartyThe Corn PalaceMr. Ed18Apr
Look, my liege! Shut up!
Demo Conference 2025Tech Convention CenterTechEvents Inc.22Apr
Experience the future of technology with industry leaders and innovators
Birthday PartyKrispy KremeBrad Pitt25Apr
Why do you think that she is a witch?
EventGlide Pro is a feature-rich WordPress plugin designed to enhance
The Events Calendar. It offers various themes and customization options
to create dynamic event sliders with both light and dark modes. Here’s
an overview of its key features.
The Corn PalaceSammy Sosa16 Feb 01:41Cupcake Decorating
Brad Pitt3 Mar 20:57Board Meeting
Winchester Mystery HouseMarilyn Monroe18 Mar 11:10Movie Marathon
Bamboo FreshBrad Pitt21 Mar 19:26Farmer’s Market
Winchester Mystery HouseBarney Stinson27 Mar 08:19Kitten Adoption Day
Doug Fir LoungeElvis Presley2 Apr 09:06Rock Concert
Sammy Sosa14 Apr 00:44Weekend Long Adventure
The Corn PalaceMr. Ed18 Apr 04:14Dinner Party
Tech Convention CenterTechEvents Inc.22 Apr 23:03Demo Conference 2025
Krispy KremeBrad Pitt25 Apr 01:08Birthday Party
Key Features
EventGlide Pro provides 9 different slider themes:
- Date on Top
- Colored Card
- Single Event
- Image Middle
- Detail Over Image
- Flip Details on Hover
- Details on Hover Scroll from Bottom
Users can switch between light and dark modes, providing flexibility for different website designs and user preferences.
- Color Choosing: Users can customize the colors of the slider elements, allowing for seamless integration with the website’s design.
- Font Type: Choose from a selection of font types to match the overall style.
- Font Size: Adjust the font size for better readability.
Countdown Timer: Attach a countdown timer to each event slider, creating a sense of urgency for upcoming events.
Dots: Enable or disable navigation dots to indicate the number of slides.
Auto Start: Choose whether the slider should start automatically, cycling through events.
Upcoming v2.5.0 – Some Hero Block ( Demo Below )